Monday, May 24, 2010

If you are nodding your head yes at the computer then keep reading. The first thing I will say is that there are literally 100's of reasons you could be losing your crowning glory and being informed is the first step. There's the "H" word you thought you left behind in high school: Hormones. Let's talk about women first. Our hormones tend to do a more complex dance in our bodies (think reproduction). Yet, the top reasons for female and male hair loss are the same: Testosterone.

Androgen hormones include testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) -- all of which are made in a male body in large amounts, and in a woman's body in small amounts. I'll spare you the nerd soapbox explaining these in detail. But one thing we know for sure testosterone in both sexes breaks down to DHT that attaches to the hair follicle and causing it to shrink and then perhaps die.

The next hormone that significantly influences hair growth is our thyroid hormones (T3+ T4). If you have hair loss, fatigue, cold intolerance and brittle hair you could have a thyroid problem. Studies already led to the belief that hair loss is the result of decreased metabolism in the scale follicles of people with low levels of thyroid hormone, resulting in early release of the hair shaft and root. Hair that is brittle, has split ends and breaks has been observed to correlate with low thyroid levels. Many physicians and dermatologists diagnose low thyroid based solely on early graying of the hair and the loss of hairs from the outer ends of the eyebrows.

Females should also make sure all their other hormones are in balance like Estrogen, Progesterone and DHEAS. The first step is to get tested for all of the above and make sure than even if you given medication that you work up to a level that is effective. You may want to look into seeing an Endocrinologist, they specialize in the study of hormones and metabolism in our bodies.

I spent three years researching all of this so I could be informed about how to help myself. I will be posting my regimen on how I helped myself tackle these things and more. I hope this helped!


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